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Write now. Organize later

did you know source

An Engram is a unit of cognitive information imprinted in a physical substance, theorized to be the means by which memories are stored as biophysical or biochemical changes in the brain or other biological tissue, in response to external stimuli.

Catch your fleeting thoughts

No titles, categories, graphs, or endless options. Just you, in the moment.

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Bogdan, creator of Engram

Makes my life simpler
Before Engram I was always struggling to find the proper app to save a small bit of information I’ll need for later on.
Do I add it as a reminder? Calendar event? Where’s that folder where I keep the random notes?

Now I just write it in Engram and sort it all out later if needed.

Scratchpad for your ideas

Rough drafts, random thoughts, those "aha!" moments.
Your space to experiment, without pressure.

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Try Engram now

Start writing
Engram is a work in progress. Do not save vital or important information.
If you like it and want to support its development, buy me a coffee.